Saturday, May 23, 2009

Let's Go Red Sox! Let's Go!

On Saturday the 16th, a bunch of people from work met up at the Red Sox game at SafeCo field. Originally it wasn't planned this way. I found out a co-worker of mine, Taria, was going with her boyfriend and then another co-worker of mine, Jamie, was looking for a game to go to so I suggested she go to the same one. I mean, let's face it, if you want to see a good game at SafeCo field it's because of the team that is playing against the Mariners. Then we suggsted to Shalana, another co-worker, that she go and then to Jordan, yep another co-worker, that he go and it snowballed from there. My friend Vicki who went to UNH with me and grew up with my good friend Ang, found out we were going and came along too. Of course, none of us were sitting together because we bought tickets at different times, but we still had fun!

First, a couple of us met up at the beer garden at Pyramid Ales. Then we moved on to Sluggers which was packed! It must have been 100 degrees in there. And don't believe anyone who tells you that you can bring your beer outside and drink it. There's no beer garden there. It reminded me of all the bars back at UNH on a (thirsty) Thursday night. The majority of the fans there were for the Red Sox and most of them were from back east.

Vicki's not really double fisting it. I had her hold my beer so I could take her picture.

Jamie and Tyson are in the picture on the left. By the end of the night, Matt and Tyson were buddies and have even planned on going to a Prodigy concert together. It's amazing how sharing a couple of shots of hard liquor can bond people together!
Don't ask me why I am so excited about my beer in this picture. I was delirious from the heat!

At the 5th inning we tried to meet up behind home plate. It was a little confusing because everyone was scattered throughout the park, but we made the best of it. After the game we went out for a few more beers before heading home. Overall, it was a beautifully warm and sunny Seattle day and the Sox won. Who could ask for anything more?

Taria and her boyfriend, Nate, the true Red Sox fan of the group!

Matt and I sat in a sea of Red Sox fans. I'm on the far left, texting.

I think I am going to buy this t-shirt so I have something different to wear at the next Red Sox game. My mom's old BU t-shirt has seen better days!


ClassyChassy said...

Cute post - darling pics!

RafnJen said...

Looks like you guys had a blast!!